The New, World, Woke

Did you hear about the train conductor on LNER who was disowned by his employers after receiving a complaint over his non inclusive language? He welcomed passengers with the greeting, ‘ Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls’.  A couple of non binary passengers took offence at  this and inevitably took to Twitter to share their outrage.  LNER issued a comprehensive apology and have now joined the London Underground in banning the ‘offensive’ term, whilst promising greater diversity training for their staff. Welcome to the Brave New Woke World.

Offended Passenger

The non binary passenger offended by LNER’s lack of inclusive language

We know of at least two passengers who found the perceived lack of inclusivity offensive as both informed the Twittersphere of the transgression. We don’t know if, or how many of the remaining passengers were offended, or indeed how many were happy to receive the greeting. I suspect, the majority of the passengers never gave it a thought. But someone found offence in what used to be considered an act of politeness. So, we’ll have no more of that, thank you very much.

Facts Are Out of Fashion

At the same time, a law student at Abertay University in Dundee is under threat of expulsion for suggesting that women are physically weaker than men and that biological women have a vagina. This is apparently discriminatory language.  So much for lawyers arguing the facts. However, it seems an offensive and highly subjective comment by a classmate to the effect of, “all men are rapists”, is acceptable language, as is dismissing the young lady in question as a “typical cis white girl”.

  • News extract

    A fact is only only a fact if it’s woke, otherwise it’s discriminatory, apparently

I believe Scottish law differs to the rest of UK law in some subtle, but important aspects. But if that’s a taster of the thinking and outlook in the Scottish legal profession, I fear for the impartiality of Scottish law going forward.  The patronising and dismissive nature of that final comment, a ‘typical cis white girl’ is staggering,  as is its overt bias.

The Moral High Ground

These are just two examples of many incidents that seem to be occurring every day. They are typical of the current and rather alarming march of ‘wokeness’ through modern society.  Facts that don’t fit in with the current thinking are dismissed, as are their proponents. Rather than engaging in

The problem with everything

A book I recommend you read

debate to promote  their ideas and thereby challenge the established norm, it’s easier for the woke mob to simply take the moral high ground and cancel the opposition. That the opposition in most cases is the established norm, upheld and supported by the vast majority of society is neither here nor there. This new puritanical woke minority know better and are determined to save us from ourselves, whether we  like it or not.




Change or Oppression

Of course, change is inevitable. What constitutes the norm is subjective and is only considered as such because it is perceived and accepted by the majority.  Change is effected, in most cases, by challenging this status quo. However, for a new norm to be established the challenge is to convince the majority of the inherent ‘truth’ or ‘rightness’ of your new position.  This should be achieved by debate, supported by objective reason and or facts. To fail to convince the majority and instead simply protest to force your new world view on an unconvinced majority is a just a form of oppression, is it not?

Woke protest

Protest instead of Debate.

What really confuses me is why this is being allowed to happen? Why is the vast, silent majority of society seemingly willing to put up with this woke  attack on freedom of speech and, increasingly, freedom of thought?  (Now that’s a really dangerous path to go down.)


I do understand why our elected leaders are allowing this to happen and even embracing this woke change. They perceive that there are votes to be had  in condoning each new popular cause.  It’s political opportunism in the absence of political conviction. Although it doesn’t seem to be working out too well,  particularly if the Hartlepool by-election is anything to go by.

I was born and grew up in Hartlepool. My grandparents were staunchly labour and would vote for labour as a matter of course. It was said, you could promote a monkey as a labour candidate in Hartlepool and it would be elected. And indeed a man in a monkey suit was elected as labour mayor. Three times. Which makes labours loss all the more damning. Rightly or wrongly,  Labour are perceived as the party that has really taken to heart the new woke culture.

  • H’Angus the Monkey

    Stuart Drummond aka H’Angus the Monkey, 3 times mayor of Hartlepool

The Woke Left

The Corbyn’s, the pin up brothers of the far left continue to perpetuate that perception, being at the forefront of every woke march and cause.  But whilst they may be the darlings of Camden Town, they really haven’t understood the more reserved socialism of Owton  Manner or Rift House.  Hence labour’s  failure, not only in Hartlepool but across the former red wall of working class, northern England.

But, if the majority are rejecting woke’ism at the polls, why are they not making more of a stand in general?  I wish I knew?  I wish I could come up with a way to fight back against this oppression of woke’ism. I wish I could mobilise the silent majority to send a clear and unambiguous message that enough is enough. But I haven’t a clue.  I just worry that society is changing and not necessarily for the better and this is dangerous.

The Danger of Apathy

I truly believe the majority of people are tolerant and fair minded.   I don’t believe the UK is inherently racist. Nor do I believe that the majority are anti LGBT+.  Frankly, I don’t think most of us dwell on such issues.  That’s not to say we are passive racists or transphobes.  What we care about, is getting on with life and doing the best we can for our families. As such we are probably  guilty of apathy, but it doesn’t mean we condone exclusionary behaviours.

But, when we are constantly told by a vocal and intolerant minority that we are racist and should feel shame for our shared history and culture. That we are transphobic and non inclusive for wishing ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, a good afternoon. That we are murderers for eating what we like to eat, monsters for driving a polluting car and that we are oppressors for believing in our church and faith. Then, I worry problems are being created where non exist. As a consequence, we will become an ever more fractured, intolerant and extremist society with no loyalty or respect other than for our own tribe.  And that’s not a society I want any part of.

Is There an Alternative?

It doesn’t have to be this way.  Inclusivity works both ways. Accept the majority for what they are. Ordinary people who just want to live their lives without fear of being branded a ‘phobe’. Intolerance from any quarter  should be challenged.  Freedom of speech has to be championed. Especially  if we want to grow as a society. Preventing free speech will  never bring about positive change. Only division. Similarly upholding the rule of law for everyone, not just the vocal minority, is paramount.   And this is what we want and expect from our elected leaders.

We don’t want virtue signalling from our politicians


What we don’t want is hollow virtue signalling. We don’t want our politicians or sporting hero’s to take the knee. We want common sense. We want them to stand up for what is right and fair. In short we want them to do the job they were elected to do which is to stand up for the rights of the majority of people who put them where they are. Protecting the rights of minorities is the right thing to do. But a balance has to be struck to also protect the freedoms of the majority.

That doesn’t sound that hard does it?

Graham Wannabe